Dear Prospective Students, Parents, Donors and Supporters,
Welcome to our beloved Southwestern Christian College, a small school with a BIG love of learning! Thank you for visiting our website to discover more about who we are, why we strive for academic excellence. If you haven’t visited the beautiful campus—in Terrell, Texas—what are you waiting for?
Come join a school that is deeply-rooted in Christian values and morals, connected to a rich history of pioneers who helped pave the way for the modern success at Southwestern. We are forward thinkers who stay ON THE MOVE and hope you will be inspired by stellar teaching, friendly students, good Texas food, team sports, student activities, and our close proximity to Dallas, the 9th largest city in America.
Many have asked me about the current transformation underway at SwCC. I can testify to this—if you give us a semester, we will change your life and prepare you for an unforgettable journey. If you give us a year, we will be right there, to encourage you, nourish you with a rich village culture, and we will be right by your side to witness your evolution: From student to leader, from student to businesswoman, from student to minister, from student to teacher, from student to SUCCESS STORY.