In the founding and establishing of Southwestern Christian College, those who participated were motivated by a mutual desire to provide for its students' preparation for effective and successful Christian living. Each was keenly sensitive to the urgency of this need. To appreciate its importance, one must fully understand the concepts of "Christian Living".
Man is a social being and, as such, must be prepared to adjust himself to his environment and fellow man. He must be able to participate effectively in those social advances which characterize progress. He must acquire the ability to express effectively his own ideas, work cooperatively with others, and pursue a personally satisfying and socially constructive vocation, free from the fears that crush initiative, frustrate ambition, and undermine self-reliance.
These virtues, however, do not constitute the entirety of the concept of "Christian Living". They attain their true significance in the pattern of human conduct only when founded upon a sincere and conscientious pursuit of the spiritual development of the individual. One must know, understand, and follow the divinely inspired pattern for this growth. Man has a responsibility to God that supersedes all others, and God has stated the terms by which that responsibility is to be met. Since the Bible is God's revelation of the pattern of Spiritual development, daily instruction in His Word is a fundamental aspect of SwCC. To the founders and supporters of Southwestern Christian College, this is the most significant aspect of the whole pattern of human growth and development.
In keeping with this concept of "Christian Living", Southwestern Christian College is dedicated to the purpose of offering such academic instruction that will prepare the student to effectively take his place in the business and social world, well rooted and grounded in the Word of God.